Bitweaver 101 Started
We have now moved a few sites over to the bitweaver framework, and rather than using the various on-line tutorials and documentation it makes sense to build versions of them more tailored to the sub-sets of facilities actually used on the sites. So an initial guide has been created on the RDM site. Bitweaver101 will provide a starting point and will develop over time as well expand on the facilities being used.
Bitweaver provides a standard interface to a range of facilities, all based around web pages and managed on-line via the same interface. While the structural code need to be managed directly, all of the layout and content can be managed via a browser from anywhere.
The basic facilities start with a page managment module, more usually called a wiki, but this is essentially the base for all content format within bitweaver, such as Articles (News), Blogs (this content), Boards (Forums) and newsletters. In addition a number of file management packages are available. We standardised on Fisheye which, while designed originally as an image gallery package, it's flexible gallery options allow all file formats to be managed, and pdf documents even get processed to provide a thumbnail of the first page, returning to the image format.