Style-Colour Pallet
Style Colour Pallet
This is another area where there have been a number of substatial changes in how aspects of the themes such as a set of colours are managed. In the early days of bitweaver it was quite simple to produce a theme and then add additional small style sheets to provide an alternate colour set or font change. Options like 'High Contrast' or switching between red for Christmas and Green for spring. With the current Bootstrap3 shell, even the options provided in BS2 are more difficult to implement as a simple switch, requiring instead that the whole .css file set is rebuilt just to change one element. This has been one of the areas that has taken some time to untangle, and the current bitweaver4 framework does at least now allow the some areas to be made switchable, but colour is still an area where while we can switch between different colour themes, the simple provision of alternative minor style changes has now been lost.
All this means is that while previously only a small style file might need to be download, the whole revised theme is now required, with perhaps in the order of 1Mb of data just for a change in a colour or Font. However any of the colour sets provided can be used as the base for a new theme, and while the pallet below relates to the earlier style mechanism, it gives some ideas on what can be done.
Alternate sources of colour pallets.
PaintStrap Lavish BootstrapMagic
Fine tuning individual elements
Navigation Menu - Bootstrap3-menu
Colour Chart on w3schools