History of Rainbow Digital Media
Rainbow Digital Media was started back in September 2006 as recorded by Wayback Machine at which time was using the .co.uk domain ( along with adding www. which confuses the Wayback Machine crawling ). I am not sure just what was being offered at that point as the history from 2006 on WM makes interesting reading referring to large amounts of money. James took over the business in 2012 from Christine and Nick as Nick was having some medical problems and had been unable to give clients his full attention. James was looking for a source of income as he had parted company with Phoenix Security and had to then stay out of his preferred security field for a year. He perhaps should have done a little bit more investigation into just what he was taking over as it certainly was not what it seemed. I became involved when James got into trouble with problems on the maze of hosting that had been build up.
Need to transcribe my notes on the problems from my hand written notes :)
To fill the gaps in the income that RDM was supposed to have guarantee, James took over another web hosting company, AdWit, which was another can of worms and the seller if that business had a number of active sites, but not all were real customers and again although James DID do a number of checks, it was perhaps another mistake in taking the few real clients on.
Another set of hand writen notes to be added here ...
Today, the website is maintained for historic reasons and to maintain the cribsheets supporting my bitweaver framework.