Graham Ovenden Research Notes
Keeping a note of where I sourced material from, something I have been a little lax in doing in the past. Local Copies are stored in ~/Archive/Graham Ovenden/Recovered/
There is at least some of the original downloads still on devices here and I need to catalogue that here as well.
NovelActivist - Moral Panic And The Vilification Of Graham Ovenden -
Local Copy
NovelActivist - Graham Ovenden (2): Persecuting The Models -
Local Copy
NovelActivist - The Naked Child in Art -
Local Copy
A following article links to an image in the Nice Art Gallery and that looks like a useful place to browse for artwork.
Artist on Trial -
Local Copy
The Artist on trial Blog website is still active, but a number of the articles have been blocked. Fortunately they are still present on Wayback Machine, so time to rebuild that site as well.