Graham Ovenden

Following Graham's death in December 2022, any further work to recover the websites we maintained for him is a matter to be decided. That some of his early work was controversial is not in dispute, and the reports of his conviction and lack of reports on the further court cases is something that AFTERWORD was intended to address. As time permits I will address what I can but if anybody has material that they wish to contribute I am happy to include it if appropriate.

One of the initial problems was the hijack of the original domain which has now been restored so that the site is live again at it's original URL. Additional references to Graham's treatment have not been so lucky such as the articles on the website. Fortunately while the site was retired several years ago after Ray got fed up with the attacks on him over the content, it does still remain in part on the Wayback Machine site. One article of interest is 'Graham Ovenden (2): Persecuting The Models' and while my own archive of that site is currently residing with the police I will try and navigate what is available to recover other related articles from that site. This particular article includes statements from the very people who were allegedly abused and their take is very interesting! Something that is expanded in Graham's own notes in AFTERWORD.

On the TODO list is to review all of the external site links on Graham's website as the site is currently being flagged for broken links. My off-line copies of that material are on the same machine that hosts my copy of Novel Activist and I am currently fighting to see the forensic report that alleges it contains 'child pornography'. The same sort of images that populate the above article? It is curious that while Wayback Machine has no problem with sites like Novel Activist it has wiped and blocked Pigtails in Paint of which the content was no different and the original material is still displayed and sold openly on many other sites.

Watch this space ... Research Notes