Contacts - Templates

The bitweaver framework uses Smarty3 templating to define elements of the screen layout. This basically allows the styling of pages to be managed independently of the information that makes up the content, but more usefully for the xref system we can create elements which can be combined based on the sequence of xref records. The xref information tree will either use a simple text template to display the three elements of the entry, or can identify a special template which will format the information in a more suitable manor, and if required provide links to third party elements.

An entry actually requires three templates. view_xref_xxxx and edit_xref_xxxx templates allow the fine detail of each record to be viewed and edited, while edit_xref_xxxx_fields provides the line of fields for display in a list of information.

xref, xkey, xkey_ext, data=Notes

xref not used, xkey=Postcode, xkey_ext=House Number/Name and fine address details, data=Notes
xref entry will be used when NLPG data is used in place of the postcode table.

xref not used, xkey=phone number, xkey_ext=not used, data=Notes

xref -> link to openstreetmap, xkey=Easting/Longitude, xkey_ext=Northing/Latitude, data=Notes such as any access problems

xref not used, xkey=Key Seal Code, xkey_ext=Contract No, data=Notes

TODO - move the key number to replace the contract number. This allows multiple key sets to be managed against a single premiss.